行き先はスペインのエステポナ/Estepona in Spain
In mid-May, I traveled with Tom’s family to the south of Spain in Estepona. Tom’s parents, his brother’s family, and Tom arrived before me and I joined them halfway through. I stayed 3 nights in total. It took about 3 hours to get to Estepona by plane from London to Málaga, and about an hour by bus from Málaga. Tom’s father picked me up at the bus stop by car.
When you think of Spain, Barcelona, and Madrid are famous as tourist destinations. We visited Estepona because Tom’s grandmother lives in Estepona and we wanted to spend time with her. We rented a villa very close to Tom’s grandmother’s house, and I saw Tom’s grandmother for the first time in 4 years.
Estepona is a coastal town near Gibraltar. From our villa, it was only a 10-minute walk to the beach. The weather was fine every day during our stay and I wore short sleeves and short pants. The sea temperature seemed a little low, so I did not swim in the sea. Tom went swimming in the ocean every morning with his father. They are full of energy, aren’t they? There is a pool in the villa, and I took a short dip in the pool.
ビーチハウスのシーフードレストラン/Seafood restaurant at a beach house
海岸沿いにはビーチハウスがあり、ビーチハウスのレストランで美味しいシーフードを食べました。一番美味しかったのは、Chiringuito Andrés y Maríaというレストランで食べたイカ焼き。確か、英語でそのままGrilled Squidだったと思います。お店の外に炭火があって、そこで焼かれたイカは、香ばしくて美味しかったです。イカ料理というと、イカリングを頼みがちだったのですが、イカ焼きにしてよかったと思いました。
There are beach houses along the coast, and we ate delicious seafood at the beach house restaurants. The most delicious was the grilled squid I had at a restaurant called Chiringuito Andrés y María. I think it was called “Grilled Squid” in English. There was a charcoal fire outside the restaurant, and the grilled squid was delicious and savory. When I think of squid dishes, I tend to order calamari, but I am glad we chose grilled squid.
During my stay, I did not go anywhere in particular, nor did I do any sightseeing. Eating dinner, walking aimlessly along the seaside, and relaxing in the villa were the repetitions that made me feel luxurious.

旅のハイライト/Highlight of the trip
A personal highlight of the trip was my nephew and niece, who were so adorable. My nephew is 4 years old and my niece is 2. They were fun to be with, dancing, changing clothes, and putting on fashion shows. My nephew in particular, for some reason, suddenly took a liking to me and stayed right next to me from morning till night, which was adorable. He didn’t even eat dinner next to his parents but ate next to me.
When I was on the computer, he was very curious and asked me many questions “What are you doing?”, “What is this? He waited for me when I went into the bathroom, telling me “I’ll wait for you outside”. He even called me his best friend. He made me feel I was special to him.
When I was a child, my aunts and uncles were very kind to me. They are still very kind to me. I wondered if my aunts and uncles treated me with this kind of feeling. I wondered as I spent time with my niece and nephew.
By the way, I always think that there are no gender-neutral words to describe nephews, nieces, aunts, and uncles. Using the word “relatives” has too wide a meaning to identify who I am mentioning. I would like to use gender-neutral words as much as possible, but I haven’t found any for some relatives. Parents and children, and in English, siblings can be expressed in a gender-neutral way, but not for many other words for relatives.
Tom’s mother looked at me and Tom and said, “You are a lovely couple,” and Tom’s grandmother said, “Come and visit me anytime. I’m your English grandmother in Spain,” which really touched my heart.
This was my first trip with Tom’s family. Everyone was very kind and I spent 4 days feeling very fond of his family. I feel that I became much closer to them. It was a very fun and memorable trip.
I posted a reel about the trip. Tap below and check it out if you like.
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