少し前の話ですが、10月末にBelvoirのPRイベントに参加しました。場所は、Mr. Froggs’s House of Botanicalsという、ロンドンにあるボタニカルな装飾が美しいバーの二階でした。とってもおしゃれなこのバーには、また戻って来たいです。
A little while ago, at the end of October, I attended a Belvoir’s PR event. The venue was an upstairs bar with beautiful botanical decorations of Mr. Froggs’s House of Botanicals in London. I will definitely come back to this very beautiful bar!
Belvoir is the brand that makes my favorite elderflower cordial, which I have blogged about and posted on my Insta stories before. I enjoy mixing the cordial with sparkling water and drinking it. People who work for Belvoir saw my posts and invited me to their event.
The event was divided into three parts: one part for making cocktails, one part for enjoying cocktails made with Belvoir products, and one part for making terrariums.
カクテルを作るパートでは、BelvoirのElderflower & Rose Cordialを使って、バーテンダーさんからElderflower & Rose Margaritaの作り方を教えてもらいました。普段、エルダーフラワーシロップを炭酸水に混ぜたり、時々ジントニックに混ぜたりしかしていなかったので、Belvoirの商品を使ったカクテルレシピを知ることができ、楽しくまた商品の活用の幅が広がりました。レシピはウェブサイトにも載っているよと教えて頂きました。
For the cocktail-making part, a bartender taught us how to make the Elderflower & Rose Margarita using Belvoir’s Elderflower & Rose Cordial. I usually only mix elderflower cordial with sparkling water and sometimes with a gin and tonic, so it was fun to learn some cocktail recipes using Belvoir’s products and to expand my use of the products. I learned that the recipes are also available on their website.

カクテルを楽しむパートでは、Belvoirの商品を使ったカクテルをバーテンダーさんが作ってくださり、カクテルを何杯か頂きました。どれも美味しかったですが、特に美味しかったのは、桃のフルーティーな香りと味がするPeach & Aperol Spritzでした。
During the cocktail tasting part, bartenders made cocktails using Belvoir products and we had several cocktails. All were delicious, but the most delicious was Peach & Aperol Spritz, which had the fruity aroma and taste of peaches.

テラリウムを作るパートでは、ずっと作ってみたいと思っていたテラリウムを作ることができて大満足でした。テラリウムは自宅に持ち帰り書斎のデスクに飾っています。テラリウムは容器が密閉されているため、中で水分が循環し、水やりはほとんど必要ないことを学びました。テラリウム作りは、Jar and Fernの皆さまに教えて頂きました。テラリウム作りを通して、Belvoirのボタニカルな世界観を体験しました。
In the terrarium-making part, I was very excited to be able to make a terrarium that I had always wanted to make. I took the terrarium that I created home with me and displayed it on my desk in my study. I learned that because the terrarium is a sealed container, water circulates inside. Thus, very little watering is required. I learned the terrarium-making from Jar and Fern. Through making the terrarium, I experienced Belvoir’s botanical worldview.

It was also a pleasure to hear the love and passion for Belvoir from the brand representatives at the event: that Belvoir was created 40 years ago at home for family and friends to drink. All the ingredients used in the products are of natural origin. That the plants used in their products are grown on their own farm. They own grounds for bees and birds. The packaging is recyclable. I learned many things!!

Attending the event, I learned a lot more about Belvoir and fell in love with them even more! Finally, I am ashamed to say that I did not know until I attended the event that Belvoir is pronounced like “beaver”, not “bel-voir”. If you would like to know how to pronounce “Belvoir”, check out the Instagram post below. Many of Belvoir’s products are available not only in the UK but also in Japan, so please give them a try.
The elderflower cordial I use every day.
Elderflower & Rose Margaritaを作ったときに使った商品。
The products I used when I made Elderflower & Rose Margarita.
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