
トムちゃんとケンジントンでデート。明の寿司ランチが美味しすぎた。/I went on a date with Tom in Kensington. Sushi lunch at Akira was way above my expectation.

akira-lunch 日常/Daily Life

デートの目的/Purpose of going to Kensington


I went on a date with Tom around Kensington which is a little bit west of central London today. Although we don’t usually go to the area that has many snazzy flats, we had a purpose! That is to have a luxurious bento lunch at Akira, a Japanese restaurant! My friend told me about the restaurant a couple of months ago and made a reservation for today. Usually, the bento lunch costs £40. But the restaurant is currently offering 50% off for the bento. So why not?

「明(Akira)のお弁当」/Akira’s Luxurious Bento

お店はJapan House Londonという日本に関するギャラリーとお店が一緒になった建物の2階にありました。弁当はAkira Bento、Sushi Bento、Vegetable Bentoの全部で3種類。僕とトムちゃんはSushi Bentoを頼みました。しばらくすると大きなお弁当箱が目の前に。蓋が開いた瞬間に幸せのため息がでました。まだイギリスに来て数ヶ月しか経っていないけど、もう日本食が日々、日々、恋しくて!いくら出汁を摂取しても、あらゆるものを塩麹でつけても、足りないの。だからもうね、僕、今日のお弁当を数ヶ月前からずっと楽しみにしていたの。そのお弁当が目の前に来て、超幸せだった涙。

The restaurant was located upstairs of Japan House London, which has a Japanese gallery and shop. You can choose your bento from three kinds: Akira Bento, Sushi Bento, and Vegetable Bento. Tom and I chose Sushi Bento. After a short time, a waiter brought a bento box in front of me. I couldn’t help sighing with happiness looking at my bento. Although it’s been only a couple of months since I have moved to the UK, I have been missing Japanese food literally every single day! I cook Japanese meals and go to Japanese restaurants in London. But it’s never enough! I have been waiting to have this luxurious bento for a couple of months. I was so happy when the bento finally came in front of me.

Akira’s Sushi Bento


Each small dish was delicately cooked and very delicious. I enjoyed every single bite of them. Needless to say, sushi was so good. But I also found shimmered daikon radish and pork belly in Japanese soup stock very tasty. I think I am always craving dashi (Japanese soup stock) LOL. Tom was enjoying tofu? with edamame beans.


When I heard about the restaurant from my friend, I remember the offer would end at the end of October. But according to the website, it seems like the discount will be offered until the end of December. I was trying to convince Tom to come back to the restaurant at least once a year even with the regular price when we were having lunch. If the promotion will last for a while, I would love to go back as soon as possible LOL.


I had a hand-dripped coffee from a coffee shop at the entrance of Japan House London after lunch.

Kissaten Coffee

ランチの後/After lunch


After lunch, we walked across Hyde Park near the restaurant towards Soho. There were many swans in the pond which was located in the center of the park. I have seen a black swan for the first time. I saw many swans. But I only saw one black swan. Apparently, black swans are originally from Australia. My follower on Instagram saw my story about the black swan and told me about it. After the park, we went shopping in Soho and came home.




So I started my blog. I have always wanted to have my own blog. Coming to the UK as a new chapter of my life, I thought “I should start my blog now!” I was not planning to talk about sushi lunch for the first entry. But somehow I felt I should post today. I will post about my daily life spontaneously. I try not to be bothered about the frequency of my posts. Otherwise, I would feel pressure, and my blog will not last. If you read my blog, I will be very happy. Since I’m starting my blog without knowing much about how it works, you may find it difficult to read my blog. I will keep posting while brushing it up. I will write both in Japanese and English as much as possible! Thank you for reading my very first blog entry!


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