
Andaz Londonは地上の楽園。朝食ビュッフェは必ず食べて!/Andaz London is paradise on earth. Be sure to try the breakfast buffet!

lobby-of-andaz-london 日常/Daily Life

Andaz Londonに泊まってきた/We stayed at Andaz London

先日、ロンドンの中心地、Liverpool Street駅の隣にあるAndaz Londonにトムちゃんと宿泊してきました。チェックインからチェックアウトまでホスピタリティに溢れていて、心身ともに癒されました。

Tom and I recently stayed at Andaz London, located next to Liverpool Street Station in the heart of London. From check-in to check-out, we were treated with hospitality and relaxed both mentally and physically.

なんと!今回は、Andaz Londonとの豪華なプレゼント企画が実現しました(終了)。詳細は、ブログの最後に書いたので、ぜひチェックしてみてください。

What a surprise! We are pleased to announce a gorgeous collaborative giveaway with Andaz London. Please check out the details at the end of this blog entry (Giveaway ended).


土曜日15時過ぎにAndaz Londonに到着しました。回転ドアを抜けると気持ちのよい吹き抜けの天井とカラフルでベルベット調のおしゃれな椅子やソファーが並んだロビーが待っていました。

We arrived at Andaz London a little after 3 pm on Saturday. After passing through the revolving door, we were greeted by a soaring lobby with colorful, velvety, stylish chairs and sofas.



When we asked to check in at the check-in counter, they first prepared drinks for us. We chose sparkling water. They told us that wine and prosecco were also available. They made us feel special even before check-in.

ホテルの案内とお部屋の鍵を受け取り、エレベーターで4階へ。僕たちは、King Bed Deluxeのお部屋に宿泊しました。お部屋に入ってまず最初に「広い!」と思いました。ワンルームのお部屋ですが、椅子やソファーがありリビング付きのベッドルームという印象です。お部屋には、ふかふかのベッド、大きなテレビ、デスク、バスルームにはシャワーだけでなく、バスタブもありました。

We received hotel information and our room key and took the elevator to the 4th floor. We stayed in a King Bed Deluxe room. The first thing I thought when I entered the room was “It’s so spacious! Although it was a studio room, there were chairs and a sofa, giving the impression of a bedroom with a living room. The room had a soft bed, a big TV, a desk, and a bathroom with a bathtub as well as a shower.



The rooms have a relaxing atmosphere that makes you forget the hustle and bustle of the city, yet the location is superb. You can reach Tower Bridge and Borough Market in 10 minutes by bus or 20 minutes on foot, and if you take the tube, you can reach the main tourist attractions in London, such as Big Ben and the British Museum, in less than 20 minutes without changing tubes.

僕たちが泊まった日は、Wine Hourと呼ばれるイベントがあり、18時からロビーでワインとカナぺをサービスして頂きました。宿泊客がAndaz Londonで楽しい時間を過ごせるように毎日イベントが催されているようです。

On the day we stayed, there was an event called Wine Hour, where wine and canapés were served in the lobby from 6 pm. It seems that there is an event every day for guests to have a good time at Andaz London.

Rake’s Café Barでディナー/Dinner at Rake’s Cafe Bar

しばらくお部屋でゆっくりしてから、19時半に予約していた、Andaz LondonのRake’s Café Barへ。ホテル内のレストラン&バーなので、外に出ることなく、部屋からそのままお店に行きました。お店は、壁や家具に鮮やかな色が使われていて、気分が高まります。

After relaxing in the room for a while, we went to Rake’s Café Bar in Andaz London, where we had a reservation for 7:30 pm. Since it is a restaurant and bar inside the hotel, we went directly to the restaurant from our room without going outside. The restaurant is decorated with bright colors on the walls and furniture, which really lifted my mood.



We had the burrata cheese salad, the seafood paella, and the chicken kebab. All the dishes were delicious, but among the dishes we ordered, the grilled dishes such as shrimp in paella and chicken kebab were particularly savory and delicious. For dessert, we had millefeuille and sorbet.


Rake’s Cafe Barは、ホテルに宿泊しているかどうかに関わらず利用できます。ですので、お食事をするのもよいですし、二軒目としてお酒やデザートを頂く場所としてもぴったりだと思いました。お店の方たちもとても親切でした。

Rake’s Cafe Bar is open to anyone whether you are staying at the hotel or not. So I thought it was a great place not only to have a meal but also to have a drink or dessert after dinner somewhere else. The staff at the restaurant was very friendly.

お店の雰囲気やサービスが良かったり、お料理が美味しかったりすると、会話に集中できて幸せな時間を過ごすことができますよね。僕はトムちゃんとここで夕食を頂きながら、ゆっくりと将来の夢についてお話できたことが、Andaz Londonでの忘れられない経験の一つになりました。

When the atmosphere and service are good and the food is delicious, you can concentrate on your conversation and have a happy time. I had an unforgettable experience at Andaz London, where Tom and I had a relaxed conversation about our dreams for the future over food and drinks.


Tom and I live in south London, a bit far from the center of the city, so we thought we would go out for the evening. However, the hotel and restaurant were so comfortable that we ended up relaxing in our room after dinner.

もし出かけるとしたら、ゲイバーやクラブがあるソーホーも近いです。G-A-YやThe Yard Bar、Heavenにも地下鉄で20分以内で行けます。Uberなどの配車サービスでも同じぐらいの時間で、費用も10ポンドしません。

If you want to go out, Soho with its gay bars and clubs is close by, G-A-Y, The Yard Bar, and Heaven are all within 20 minutes by subway, and Uber or other mobility services take about the same time and cost less than £10.

朝食ビュッフェが最高!/The best breakfast buffet 

朝は、9時ごろに起きました。朝食は、ホテル内のレストラン、Eastway Brasserieでビュッフェを頂いたのですが、これが最高に美味しかったです!今まで食べた朝食ビュッフェでダントツの美味しさと品揃えでした。百聞は一見にしかずということでお写真を見て頂きたいのですが、焼きたてのパンに、スモークサーモン、サラミ、チーズ、野菜のソテー、アーティチョークなどなど、豪華な食材がなんでもありました。

We woke up around 9 am in the morning. We had a buffet breakfast at the hotel’s restaurant, Eastway Brasserie. It was the best breakfast buffet I have ever had, with the best taste and selection. As you can see from the pictures, freshly baked bread, smoked salmon, salami, cheese, sautéed vegetables, artichokes, and all sorts of other luxurious foods.



The bread was soft, the vegetables were fresh, the smoked salmon was thick, and not only was there a large selection, but each dish was truly delicious. I was so excited by the deliciousness of the food that I said to Tom, “This is a food theme park. It’s delicious! Too delicious!”. I was so excited that I even gave Tom some of the food I had picked up, saying, “Eat this and eat that”. Tom could have gone to get his own food if he wanted to since it was a buffet… LOL.



The staff at the restaurant was very friendly and made sure we were well-fed and served. After breakfast, we went back to our room, relaxed a bit, and checked out before noon.

Andaz Londonでの1泊2日の滞在は、全てが心地良く、あっという間に過ぎてしまいました。まるで地上の楽園のようでした。特に僕は、朝食ビュッフェが大好きでした。ご宿泊される機会があれば、朝食を召し上がってみてください。

Everything about our one-night stay at Andaz London was pleasant and flew by. It was like paradise on earth. I especially loved the breakfast buffet. If you have a chance to stay at Andaz London, you should try breakfast.

Andazについて/About Andaz

Andazは、世界17カ国28カ所にある、ブティックホテルやリゾートで、五感で没入できる滞在や経験を提供しているだけでなく、地域のコミュニティとしても機能しています。Andaz Londonは、LGBTQ+の宿泊客やホテルスタッフが自分らしくいられるよう積極的な取り組みも行っています。僕たちも、滞在を心から楽しみました。LGBTQ+フレンドリーという観点からも、Andaz Londonでの宿泊をおすすめします。

Andaz properties are boutique hotels and resorts that offer immersive stays and experiences for all five senses in 28 locations in 17 countries around the world, serving as well as a local community. Andaz London is also actively working to support LGBTQ+ guests and hotel staff to be who they are. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay and would recommend staying at Andaz London from an LGBTQ+ friendly perspective.

Andaz Londonとのプレゼント企画について(終了)/Special giveaway with Andaz London (Giveaway ended)

最後に、ブログの冒頭で触れた、Andaz Londonとの豪華なコラボプレゼント企画のご案内です。Andaz Londonで幸せな時間を過ごさせて頂き、この経験を投稿だけでなく、ご覧くださる方たちと共有したいと思いました。その気持ちをAndaz Londonのご担当者さまにお伝えし、企画についてご提案したところ、豪華なコラボプレゼント企画が実現することになりました!

Finally, as I mentioned at the beginning of this blog entry, I am pleased to announce a special collaboration with Andaz London. We had such a good time at Andaz London and wanted to not only share our experience through social posts but also generate an actual experience for my followers. I have shared my feelings and proposed this idea with the staff of Andaz London, which resulted in a luxurious collaborative giveaway!

Andaz Londonさまが、僕のインスタグラムフォロワー向けに、1組2名さま1泊2日ディナー&朝食付きのプランをご用意くださいましたので、プレゼントキャンペーンを実施します!応募方法などの詳細は、下記インスタグラムの投稿よりご確認ください。当選される方は、きっと素晴らしい経験になると思います。ぜひ奮ってご応募ください。

Andaz London is offering a giveaway for my Instagram followers, which includes one night stay for two people with dinner and breakfast! For details on how to enter, please see my Instagram post below. I am sure it will be a wonderful experience for the winner. Don’t miss the opportunity to enter the giveaway!


Recently, little by little, I have started receiving PR work from hotels and restaurants. For those who follow my SNS and blog, I would like to not only share my experiences through social posts but also generate opportunities for my followers. I may not always be able to make such opportunities happen, but I would love to enjoy my journey together with my followers. If similar opportunities seem to happen in the future, I will post them on my Instagram, so please follow me on Instagram and keep yourself updated!

素晴らしい体験をご提供くださいました、Andaz Londonさま、Rake’s Café Barさま、Posh Cockneyさま、本当にありがとうございました。

Thank you very much to Andaz London, Rake’s Café Bar, and Posh Cockney for a wonderful experience.



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