- コッツウォルズに行ってきた/We visited the Cotswolds
- 移動方法/How we got to the Cotswolds
- さあ出発。一つ目の目的地に到着/Now it’s time to depart. Arrive at the first destination
- ショッピングで有名なバーフォード(Burford)/Burford, a town famous for shopping
- 宿泊先The Wheatsheaf Inn/The Wheatsheaf Inn
- 最高に美味しいディナー/The most delicious dinner
- 朝食/Breakfast
- 英国で最も美しい村バイブリー(Bibury)/Bibury, the most beautiful village in England
- 「コッツウォルズのベニス」ボートン・オン・ザ・ウォーター(Bourton-on-the-Water)/Bourton-on-the-Water, “Venice of the Cotswolds
- ロンドンへ帰宅/Returned to London
- まとめ/Summary
コッツウォルズに行ってきた/We visited the Cotswolds
Over the weekend, Tom and I toured some pretty villages in the Cotswolds. The Cotswolds is a hilly region about 100 miles west of London, about a two-hour drive. It covers a large area of 2,000 square kilometers, and the region is dotted with lovely old-fashioned villages.
This time we went to the Cotswolds in a rented car for one night, from Saturday before noon to Sunday evening. Lovely villages, friendly people, and delicious food. For me, it was one of the most memorable and enjoyable trips I have ever taken.
In this blog, I will show you the places we visited, where we stayed, and what we ate. I hope you will find it useful when you visit the Cotswolds.
Since this blog entry has become a bit long, I have created a table of contents. If necessary, please select an item from the table of contents to see what you are interested in.
移動方法/How we got to the Cotswolds
First, we decided to rent a car as our method of transportation. As mentioned above, the Cotswolds is a very large region, dotted with villages and tourist attractions. Although it is possible to visit the Cotswolds by public transportation such as trains and buses, we decided that we would have more freedom of movement and would be less restricted by time and places to visit if we used a car.
We booked our rental car in advance through Skyscanner and picked up the car at London Gatwick Airport. The comparison site Skyscanner is convenient as it lets you see the car types, prices, and rental company ratings at a glance. The rental period was from 11:00 am on Saturday morning to 16:00 pm the next day, Sunday, and the cost was £74. Although it is possible to rent a car in central London, the airport was cheaper and had more car models to choose from due to the higher demand for rental cars at the airport.

If you don’t have a car or don’t drive, a tour of the Cotswolds villages and sights may be a good option.
さあ出発。一つ目の目的地に到着/Now it’s time to depart. Arrive at the first destination
Before we left, we first took pictures of the car body. Some cars may have scratches on them when you rent them. It is important to take pictures so that you don’t have to pay for the scratches made before you rent the car when you return it.
途中で一度、サービスエリアでの休憩を挟みながら、3時間ほどで、ミンスター・ラベル(Minster Lovell)という村に着きました。ここでは、12世紀から18世紀にかけて栄えたラベル家のマナーハウスと呼ばれる邸宅跡と今も住人がいる茅葺き屋根の家を見てきました。
After about three hours, with one stop at a service area along the way, we arrived at the village of Minster Lovell. Here, we saw the ruins of the manor house of the Lovell family, which flourished from the 12th to 18th centuries, and thatched-roof houses that are still occupied today.

It was lovely to see chickens and horses in the gardens and meadows of the people who still live there. It was also soothing to hear birds chirping in the trees.

One thing to note when visiting the Manor House is that if you use a map application to guide you to the mansion, you will be guided along a route through private property and will not be able to reach the mansion. There is a church next to the mansion, and if you go toward the church, you will be able to reach the mansion safely. You may wonder what this is all about, but you will understand when you actually go there…
ショッピングで有名なバーフォード(Burford)/Burford, a town famous for shopping
Next, we visited the small town of Burford, a 15-minute drive from the village of Minster Lovell. This place was famous for wool trading from the 14th to 17th centuries. Today, it is a famous shopping destination with antique stores and cafes lining the main street. The main store of Huffkins, a long-established bakery, is also located here.

I went to a candy store in Burford and bought some of Tom’s childhood favorite candy, Millions, and a picture book for my niece.

Before we knew it, it was already evening, around 16:30 pm We wanted to relax a little at our accommodation before dinner, so we didn’t stay long and headed to Inn, about 15 minutes away by car.
宿泊先The Wheatsheaf Inn/The Wheatsheaf Inn
17時過ぎに宿泊先であるThe Wheatsheaf Innにチェックインしました。ずっとインに泊まってみたかったので、いつか訪ねたいと思っていたコッツウォルズでインに宿泊でき、夢が二つ同時に叶いました。
We checked into The Wheatsheaf Inn, where we will be staying, a little after 17:00 pm I had always wanted to stay at an Inn, and being able to stay at an Inn in the Cotswolds, which I had always wanted to visit someday, was two dreams come true at the same time.

The building of inn was built in the 17th century and has a restaurant, pub, and cafe on the ground floor and 14 bespoke bedrooms on the first floor, beautifully decorated. The stylish interior and furniture match the historical building. It gave the impression of a boutique hotel with the atmosphere of an old-fashioned inn in an inn town. The inn is located in the heart of the Cotswolds, with easy access to everywhere you need to go.

僕たちは、このインのRoom 1に宿泊しました。部屋に入り、落ち着いた青色とグレーを基調とした美しい内装、横向きに寝ても足が出ない大きなベッド、広いバスルームの真ん中に置かれた独立型のバスタブに、思わずため息が出ました。完璧な部屋に都会の喧騒を離れ、リトリートの気分になりました。
We stayed in Room 1 of the Inn, we entered the room and sighed in awe at the beautiful decor in soothing blues and grays, the large bed (even if you lay sideways your legs won’t stick out!), and the freestanding bathtub in the middle of the large bathroom. The perfect room made me feel like I was on a retreat, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Tom and I decided to relax in our room until dinner. I filled up the bathtub with hot water and took a leisurely bath. They had not only shampoo and conditioner, but also bath salts and bubble bath amenities, so I decided to take a bubble bath.

最高に美味しいディナー/The most delicious dinner
We had a reservation for dinner at 19:30 pm at the restaurant on the ground floor. First, we toasted with cider and sparkling wine. While having a drink and conversation, appetizers were brought out. Tom ordered Spiced Mackerel and I ordered Fried Globe Artichoke, which was really delicious. Not only were the ingredients very fresh, not to mention very well cooked. Tom and I were impressed and said to each other, “How can they taste this good? We were amazed by the food that we ate it all up.

Before the main course, Tom ordered another cider and I ordered a glass of Merlot. Tom had a Garlic & Parsley Hake Kiev and I had an 8oz filet steak as my main course. It was also very tasty. The filet was tender and perfectly cooked. I also had a bit of Tom’s dish, and it was delicious, with a crispy outer crust and a soft, flaky fish inside.

Tom and I were both quite full at this point, but we couldn’t miss dessert at such a delicious restaurant. Tom ordered a blood orange sorbet and I ordered an Apple Tart Tatin. The dessert was also delicious. The fresh texture of the apples perfectly matched the soft, butter-soaked tart crust and the ice cream on top. I am drooling as I write this, remembering the dinner.

事前にホテルのスタッフに「きっとディナーを気に入って頂けると思いますよ」と言われていました。また雑誌「Vogue」で有名なCondé Nastの旅行媒体「Condé Nast Traveller」の記事でも、The Wheatsheaf Innが、ミシュラン星つきのレストランとともに、コッツウォルズ地方全体で最も素晴らしいレストラン20軒の内の1つに選ばれていたので、きっと美味しいだろうとは思っていました。ただ、頂いたディナーは、予想を超える美味しさでした。僕にとっては、The Wheatsheaf Innでのステイ、特にディナーがこの旅のハイライトになりました。この宿に泊まり、ディナーを頂くためだけに、コッツウォルズに戻って来たいとさえ思いました。
We were told in advance by the hotel staff that we would love the dinner. I also knew that the food at the Wheatsheaf Inn would be great, as it was named one of the 20 best restaurants in the entire Cotswolds, along with a Michelin-starred restaurant, in an article in Condé Nast Traveller, the travel publication of Condé Nast, a publisher famous for Vogue. However, the dinner I had was beyond my expectations. For me, my stay at The Wheatsheaf Inn, especially the dinner, was the highlight of my trip. I even want to return to the Cotswolds just to stay there and have dinner.
After dinner, when we were too full to eat anymore, Tom and I went back upstairs to our room and lay down on the soft bed, and before we knew it, we fell asleep.
The next morning I woke up around 8:30 am. Tom woke up earlier than me and went jogging. I’m jealous he’s a morning person.
We got ready and went downstairs for breakfast. Tom had eggs royale with orange juice, and Greek yogurt, and I had a latte and Smoked Salmon, Scrambled Eggs, Sourdough Toast. Breakfast was also tasty. The smoked salmon was especially thick, fatty, and very fresh. It was a generously large portion, but I ate it all.

After breakfast, we returned to our room, packed our bags, and checked out. After checking out, we have our picture taken by the staff in front of the Inn.
チェックインからチェックアウトまで、優しいスタッフ、美しい客室、美味しいお料理… 全てが完璧でした。
From check-in to check-out, the kind staff, the beautiful room, and the delicious food, everything was perfect.

英国で最も美しい村バイブリー(Bibury)/Bibury, the most beautiful village in England
2日目は、宿泊先から車で15分ほど先にある、バイブリーという村を訪ねました。バイブリーは、芸術家ウィリアム・モリスが「英国で最も美しい村」と称した景観で知られる村です。「アーリントン・ロウ(Arlington Row)」と呼ばれるコテージが並ぶ小道が有名です。僕たちも、アーリントン・ロウを歩き、コテージの前で、通りすがりの観光客に写真を撮ってもらいました。この村は、コッツウォルズで最も有名な観光地の一つです。美しいので、コッツウォルズを訪ねるのであれば、ぜひ訪ねてみてください。
On the second day, we visited the village of Bibury, a 15-minute drive from where we were staying. Bybury is a village known for its scenery, which the artist William Morris called “the most beautiful village in England. The village is famous for Arlington Row, a narrow lane lined with cottages. We walked along Arlington Row and had our picture taken in front of a cottage by a passing tourist. This village is one of the most famous tourist destinations in the Cotswolds. It is beautiful and a must-visit if you are visiting the Cotswolds.

「コッツウォルズのベニス」ボートン・オン・ザ・ウォーター(Bourton-on-the-Water)/Bourton-on-the-Water, “Venice of the Cotswolds
続いて車を北に走らせ向かったのは、ボートン・オン・ザ・ウォーターという村。ここは、村の中心にきれいな川が流れており、「コッツウォルズのベニス」と呼ばれているそうです。川沿いには、カフェやお土産屋さん、アンティークショップが建ち並んでいました。僕たちがこの村に着いたのはお昼すぎ。お腹が空いていたので、雰囲気が良さそうなLa Reineというカフェでサンドイッチをテイクアウトしました。
Next, we drove north to the village of Bourton-on-the-Water. It is called the “Venice of the Cotswolds” because of the beautiful river running through the center of the village. Along the river, there were cafes, souvenir stores, and antique stores. We arrived at the village in the early afternoon. We were hungry, so we took out sandwiches from La Reine, a café that had a nice atmosphere.

We wanted to have a leisurely lunch and see other villages, but the return time of the car, 16:00 pm, was approaching, so we decided to head back to London around 13:30 pm.

ロンドンへ帰宅/Returned to London
The return trip was very smooth and we were back at London Gatwick Airport in about 2 hours without getting stuck in traffic. Before returning the car, we filled up the gas tank, took pictures of the car again, and returned the car. There was no additional cost for the rental car. Thank you, Tom, for driving.
We had a most enjoyable 2-day/1-night trip to the Cotswolds by rental car from London. I enjoyed every moment of the beauty of the village scenery, the luxury of the room we stayed in, and the delicious food. The fact that I was able to talk with Tom a lot in the car along the way made the trip even more special for me.
One thing I did not expect was that the Cotswolds is a little bit far from London and that it takes some time to go from one sight to another, as there are many villages and tourist attractions scattered throughout the region.
日本や遠くからいらっしゃる方は、2泊以上、長めに滞在するのが良いかもしれません。また、有名なレストランは直前の予約や当日の入店はできないことが多いようなので、前もって予約しておくことをおすすめします。そして宿泊先は、ぜひThe Wheatsheaf Innを選び、ディナーも召し上がってみてください。
If you are coming from Japan or far away, it may be a good idea to stay longer, at least 2 nights. I also recommend that you make reservations in advance, as many of the famous restaurants are well booked or don’t allow same-day entry. And for lodging, we encourage you to choose The Wheatsheaf Inn and have dinner there as well.
The Wheatsheaf Innを運営するYoung’sグループでは、グループが有するイギリス各地のおしゃれなホテルで利用できる、春から夏にかけての宿泊パッケージを提供しています。ぜひ、こちら(英語)よりご覧ください。
Young’s Group, which owns The Wheatsheaf Inn, is offering a spring and summer staycation package available at the group’s stylish hotels throughout the UK. Please take a look here.
僕たちも、今回時間が足りず訪ねることができなかった、アッパー&ロウアー・スローター(Upper & Lower Slaughter)やストウ・オン・ザ・ウォルド(Stow-on-the-Wold)をめぐるべく、またコッツウォルズに戻ってきたいですし、Young’sグループの他のホテルも滞在してみたいです。
We would like to return to the Cotswolds to visit Upper & Lower Slaughter and Stow-on-the-Wold, which we did not have enough time to visit this time. I would like to return to the Cotswolds to visit Upper & Lower Slaughter and Stow-on-the-Wold. I also would love to stay at other hotels of Young’s group.
最後に、今回客室や食事をご提供くださいましたThe Wheatsheaf Innさま、YOUNG & CO.’S BREWERY, P.L.C.さま、Roche Communicationsさま、本当にありがとうございました。
Finally, we would like to thank The Wheatsheaf Inn, YOUNG & CO.’S BREWERY, P.L.C., and Roche Communications for providing us with an amazing room and meals.
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