今日は、午後から日本テレビzero選挙2021 第2部の準備と出演がありました。10代・20代の7人が国会議員やゲストにそれぞれの立場から質問を投げかけるという番組主旨でした。僕は、番組内で「日本で同性婚ができるのはいつか?」という質問をしました。具体的な議論の内容は、また機会があれば整理してお話したいです。
I prepared for and appeared on a live TV news program about the national election in Japan this afternoon. The program was designed that 7 people in their 10s and 20s ask members of parliament and guests at the studio questions from their perspectives. In the program, I asked them when Japan will realize same-sex marriage. I would like to talk about the details of the discussion for some other time after putting my thoughts about it together.
Although the program lasted for about 2 hours, the time flew so quickly. It feels very surreal that I am connected with people in Japan from the UK. I recently have many opportunities to be interviewed by and talk to people in Japan online. For every opportunity, I easily forget the fact that I’m in the UK. After interviews and talk sessions, I leave my room, look out the window, and then realize that I am in the UK LOL.
Although I was nervous about appearing on the live TV program for the first time in my life, I could share my opinion and feeling. It’s totally okay to be nervous. It’s more important to step forward to try things that spark joy.
After the program, Tom was waiting for me with my favorite chicken pie. Since I ate it before taking pictures this time, I will post a picture of a pie that he cooked last time.

Thank you to everyone who had a chance to watch the TV program. I am hoping Japan will allow any couples that are in love to be able to get married as soon as possible. I will keep doing what I can do. As we are still legally strangers to each other in Japan, Tom will not be granted a tourist visa due to the pandemic, and can not enter Japan with me.
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