ロンドンで眉サロン探し…/Looking for an eyebrow bar in London
I went to an eyebrow bar yesterday. When I was living in Japan, Mami from EmayMie had shaped my eyebrows so perfectly. Thanks to my friend who introduced her to me. Being my eyebrows shaped, the impression of my face feels sharper. Putting eyebrow makeup also becomes a lot easier for me as all I need to do is to follow the shape of my eyebrows.
I was worried about my eyebrows when I moved to the UK. Because I was not able to have my eyebrows shaped by Mami. Just like hair salons, there are so many eyebrow bars. Their menus and prices are different from each other as well. I spent a lot of time googling and looking up on Instagram to look for an eyebrow bar. I am sure I have scrolled many pages and checked over 100 eyebrow bars in total.
ついに見つけた!/I finally found one!
そんな中、見つけたのがBrowfique London!僕がこの眉サロンに行こうと思ったのは、こんな理由から。レビューで高評価、Harper’s Bazaarにベスト眉サロンとして取り上げられている、インスタグラムでビフォー&アフターがたくさん紹介されていて施術後のイメージができる、価格が予算内…
I have finally found the one for me: Browfique London! I decided to go to the eyebrow bar because they have very good reviews, are listed as one of the top eyebrow bars in London on Harper’s Bazaar, have many before/after images that help imagine how my eyebrows will be shaped, and are within my budget…
Since August, I have been to Browfique London and have my eyebrows shaped by Anca once every one month to one and half months. When I went to the eyebrow bar for the first time, I told Anca that I would like to have my eyebrows shaped as they had been. Then she told me that she would like to shape my eyebrows lightly for the first time and see how they would grow back in one month to have a satisfying result. During shaping my eyebrows, she stopped quite a few times, showed me the process of shaping my eyebrows with a mirror, and made sure I was satisfied with them.
She also very kindly advised me that I should go for Eyebrow Shape (threading and tweezing) which is a reasonable service out of many others including eyebrow lamination (perming eyebrows after shaping them) and see how I would feel about my eyebrows. It was my third time yesterday. I decided to keep choosing Eyebrow Shape as she believed that I didn’t need to laminate my eyebrows. Eyebrow Shape costs £25. I think it’s quite reasonable for shaping eyebrows, particularly in London.
もしロンドンで眉サロンを探していたら…/If you are looking for an eyebrow bar in London…
新しい場所に引っ越すと、いろんなことに困りますよね。僕にとって眉サロンはその内の一つでした。もしロンドンで眉サロンを探していたら、ぜひBrowfique Londonに行ってみてください。めちゃくちゃおすすめです。東京はEmayMieがおすすめです!ブログを始める前から、自分の日常や気に入っているものごとについて詳細に書きたいと思っていたので、今日この投稿ができて僕はとっても幸せです〜!
When you move to a new place, don’t you have a hard time with many things? Looking for an eyebrow bar was one of them for me. If you are looking for an eyebrow bar in London, please visit Browfique London. I highly recommend it! If you are in Tokyo, I recommend EmayMie! I have always wanted to write about my daily life and my favorite things to details. I am very happy I am sharing this with you!
Browfique London
20-21 Eccleston Yards, Belgravia, London SW1W 9NF
Opening Hours: Mon – Fri: 9:00 – 20:00 | Saturday: 10:00 – 19:00 | Sunday 11:00 – 19:00
追記(2025年)/Update (2025)
Ancaさんは、その後、Browserie Londonという眉サロンにうつられたようです。Browfiqueも素晴らしい眉サロンですが、Ancaさんによる施術をご希望の場合は、Browserie Londonのウェブサイトをご覧ください。
It seems that Anca has since moved to a brow salon called Browserie London. While Browfique is also an excellent brow salon, if you wish to book a treatment with Anca, please visit the Browserie London website.
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