ウェディングビデオできたよ!/Here is Our Wedding Video!
I uploaded our wedding video that took place in Scotland on September 20 on YouTube.
動画撮影・制作はスコットランドを中心に活動するCinematic Shootsさんにお願いしました。当日は2人のビデオグラファーが撮影に来てくださり、景色が良いからとドローンまで飛ばしてくださいました。動画の冒頭や途中に挿入されている空からの映像は、結婚式当日にドローンで撮影してくださいました。
We chose Cinematic Shoots that is based in Scotland for the video. Two videographers came to our wedding. They even flew a drone for our video! The footage from the sky at the beginning and in the middle of the video was filmed by a drone on the wedding day.
Cinematic Shootsさんに動画を撮影・制作をお願いして、本当に良かったです。結婚式の準備の内、ビデオグラファーとフォトグラファー探しは僕が担当したのですが、数も多く、費用も様々でとても大変でした。スコットランドのビデオグラファーとフォトグラファーは全てチェックしたんじゃないかな…
I am so lucky that Cinematic Shoots captured the day. I was in charge of looking for videographers and photographers for our wedding. Since there were plenty of options with a wide range of costs, it was difficult for me to find one. I am sure I went through all of the videographers and photographers in Scotland…
その中でもCinematic Shootsさんの美しい映像に対して、リアルな話ですが…費用もとても良心的だったので、Cinematic Shootsさんにお願いしました。
Among them, we chose Cinematic Shoots because their videos were very beautiful. Also, the cost was quite reasonable, to be honest.
美しいお写真はVisuals of Scotlandさんに撮って頂きました。
Visuals of Scotland took so many beautiful pictures for our wedding.
式場はどこ?どうしてスコットランド?/Where was the venue? Why Scotland?
We chose Cornhill Castle in a small town, Biggar, Scotland for our wedding venue. The venue was in the middle of Glasgow and Edinburgh. It takes about one hour from both places by car.

We went to Edinburgh from London by train. It took about 6 hours. It’s quite far, isn’t it? Edinburgh is about 600km away from London. Then we rented a car for the castle from Edinburgh.
It was very refreshing to be surrounded by endless fields on the way to the castle from Edinburgh. I saw many cows and sheep.

We chose Cornhill Castle for our wedding venue because Tom’s father is from Scotland, and the castle is a memorable place for Tom and his family. They used to have lunch at the castle. I wanted to take advantage of it since I had never been to Scotland and always wanted to see a place that Tom spent his childhood.
結婚式には誰が来てくれた?/Who came to our wedding?
Tom’s family, relatives, and friends came from Scotland, London, and the Netherlands. My friends came from Canada and Germany. Unfortunately, my family, relatives, and friends in Japan could not make it due to the pandemic.
Since it was difficult for many guests to participate in our wedding, we hired the videographer and the photographer to share the atmosphere of our wedding.
イギリスの結婚式の不思議…/Things surprised me about British wedding…
British weddings have quite a few things that are different from Japanese weddings. I will introduce three differences that surprised me.
1. 結婚式と婚姻届の提出は分けられない/You can’t separate a wedding ceremony from signing a marriage application form
I was most surprised by this fact. I was supposed to get married in the UK within six months after entering the country and apply for a spouse visa. Therefore, I wanted to submit a marriage application form to get married, obtain a visa, and hold a wedding when the pandemic is over. But I couldn’t do so in the UK. While Japan allows us to hold a wedding and submit a marriage form separately, we have to sign a marriage application during the wedding ceremony. Since Tom and I didn’t know the difference between marriage systems in the UK and Japan, we were very confused by each other. Tom thought I wanted to have a wedding twice LOL.
2. ファーストダンスを踊らないといけない/You need to do a first dance
セレモニー後、食事やケーキカットがあるのですが、その後に結婚したカップルがみんなの前で踊るファーストダンスという儀式があります。この儀式の後、会場がダンスホールのようになり皆で踊ります。僕たちは、アップテンポの曲の方がその後が盛り上がりやすいとアドバイスをもらって、ブルーノ・マーズのMarry Youにしました。
After a wedding ceremony, having a course meal, and cutting a wedding cake, we did our first dance. The first dance is a tradition that a married couple dances in front of their guests. After the dance, everyone joins dancing on the floor. We were advised that we should choose an upbeat song since it’s easier to dance. We chose Marry You by Bruno Mars.
3. パーティは夜中まで/Party until midnight
After the first dance, you party until midnight. We danced and had drinks. There was a buffet at 2200. In Japan, we would call it the second party. Since a wedding party lasts until late at night, a wedding ceremony usually starts in the afternoon. Our wedding ceremony also started at 1500.
Although we spent many hours preparing for our wedding, our wedding felt like a moment with a mixture of happiness, nervousness, and many other emotions. Therefore, I am grateful that I have a video and pictures that I can look back on. Although Cornhill Castle is quite far from London, I would love to revisit there once every couple of years.
Cinematic Shoots
Visuals of Scotland
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