5年前の今日/Five years ago today
Tom and I met exactly five years ago today on 11th November 2016 in London. We started chatting two days before our first date on Tinder. Thank you so much, Tinder! It all started from swiping right and matching on Tinder! Today, I will write about how we met and how we decided to be in a relationship.
Our conversation on Tinder started like this.
On his profile, it said that he would like to treat everyone on the bar floor with a glass of champagne in the future. So I said I wanted to be at the bar LOL.
初デート/Our first date
メッセージで話が弾んですぐに会うことになりました。会ったのは、ロンドンのソーホーにあるThe Yard Barというゲイバーです。The Yard Barは名前の通り、広いテラスがあって気持ちがいいです。2階建てのバーで2階には大きなベランダもあります。
Since we enjoyed messaging each other, we decided to meet up very quickly. We met at The Yard Bar, a gay bar in Soho in London. I like the bar because it literally has a large refreshing open terrace. It’s a second-story bar and has a big balcony upstairs.

We got a table on the terrace and had drinks. Since it was my first time seeing him, I was a bit nervous. But I did my best not to look nervous and talked about what we did for life, and our favorite food. I was a graduate student and he just started working. I found a memo on the day. It says “Tom likes ciders” LOL.
僕たちはかなり意気投合して、次の日にまたデートをしました。2回目はThe Shardという三角錐のような高層ビルの中にあるGONGというバーに行きました。夜ご飯を食べた後、トムがサプライズで連れて行ってくれたんです。GONGは52階にあって、ロンドン中心地を見渡すことができます。しばらくそのバーには行けていないので、近いうちに行きたいなあ。家族や友人が来たときに連れて行ってあげたいバーです。2回目のデートの時の写真。
Since we got along very well, we saw each other again the next day. This time, we went to GONG, a bar in The Shard, a glass-clad pyramidal skyscraper. Tom took me there as a surprise after dinner. GONG is on the 52nd floor so that you can look out central London. It’s been a while since we last visited the bar. I would love to go back soon. It’s the bar that I would like to take my family and friends when they visit London. This is a picture from our second date.
We kept seeing each other on Friday as well as Saturday in the same week! We really liked each other. From the beginning, I find him very fun and comfortable to be with.
どうやって付き合うことになったか/How we decided to be in a relationship
We kept seeing each other from November to December. Then, we decided to be in a relationship in early December. It was very difficult for me to be accustomed to being in a relationship without a confession of love which I think is the Western way. Am I the only one who becomes anxious when I don’t know if I’m in a relationship or not? This could be a culture shock to me. So I told Tom in advance that we confessed love in Japan if we would like to be in a relationship. In early December, Tom told me he would like to be in a relationship with me and we decided to be in a relationship.
It’s moving that I met him five years ago today, live with him together, and am writing about how we met and decided to be in a relationship with him on my blog now. We took a picture for our memory.
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