
花粉症対策にはエルダーフラワーがよい/Elderflower is good for combating hay fever

elderflower 日常/Daily Life


Recently, access to my blog has been increasing, especially for my article on elderflower soda. I have looked up, and it seems that people suffering from hay fever in Japan have been reading my articles because they have gotten information from somewhere that elderflower is a good remedy for hay fever.


Therefore, I have decided to investigate whether elderflower is good for hay fever and write an article about it.

“Herbal teas with elderflower and nettle are good for hay fever congestion, sneezing, and throat problems!”


As you can see, if you search for “elderflower” and “hay fever” you will find many articles on the benefits of elderflower.


What I found particularly compelling was the article on Yomeishu. A website run by Yomei Shuzo, a pharmaceutical manufacturing company that is the same company behind Yomeishu, describes the effects and benefits of elderflower as follows:



Elderflower has an antipyretic effect through sweating, reduces inflammation of the respiratory system, and stimulates mucus secretion in the trachea, so cordials are used for colds, flu, and hay fever.

From Yomeishu website


I also found several clinic blogs in Japanese that mention elderflowers as a solution to hay fever. “Elderflower helps runny noses and sneezing (reference)”.


Although hay fever symptoms vary from person to person and it is best to see a doctor, companies and medical institutions mentioned elderflower-based cordials and herbal teas as a hay fever remedy.


The elderflower beverage I recommend is this concentrated beverage (cordial). It is an organic beverage and the only ingredients are sugar, water, elderflowers, pressed lemon juice, and citric acid. It is a diluted type, so it is taken with about 10 times as much water or soda water.


The price per bottle may seem a little high, but it dilutes 10 times so that it can make 5 L of beverage.


It has a delicious, refreshing taste that combines the sweetness of muscat with the bitterness of grapefruit. I always drink it with soda water because I like the refreshing feeling.


This is a bit off-topic from hay fever countermeasures, but it also goes well with gin, vodka, and other alcoholic beverages, and various recipes are available on the official website in English.


Please try this concentrated beverage containing elderflower, which several websites claim is good for hay fever. We hope it will help ease the symptoms of hay fever sufferers.

関連記事はこちら/Here is a related entry:


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