一週目はあっという間でした/The first week felt like a moment
The first week of my new job which I have started this Wednesday is complete. It felt like a moment. I am very excited about the possibility of what I can do at work.
I wrote about my job hunting until getting a job offer in the article below.
I went to the office on the first day. I worked from home yesterday and today. Since I live in outskirts of London, it takes a while to get to my office in central London. However, the closest station to my place and the one to my office is directly connected by one train line. Therefore I could luckily go to the office very smoothly without changing trains.
トムと在宅勤務/Working from home with Tom
Tom also usually works from home. Although we work from different rooms, I was happy and also felt surreal at the same time that we worked from home together.
I had been working from home while in a long-distance relationship during the pandemic in Japan. Back then, I was enjoying working, but I was always somewhat anxious that I had no idea when I could see Tom next time. Compared to the state of my mind at the time to the one now, I can feel that happiness is overflowing from the inside. I also feel my mind is calm.
お寿司屋さんでお祝い/Celebration at a sushi restaurant
さて、約半年間会社で働いていなかったので、ずっと曜日の感覚がなくなっていましたが、今日は久しぶりに週末を迎える喜びを感じました。お仕事一週目が終わったので、お祝いをしにトムとサットンにあるii-ma sushiに行きました。本当は理由はなんでも良くて、お寿司が美味しいのとお店の人たちがとても優しいので、行きたかったんです。
It has been a long time since I felt the joy to welcome the weekend today as I lost the sense of days for half a year since I quit my job. Completing the first week of my new job, Tom and I went to ii-ma sushi in Sutton for celebration. Even if it was not for the celebration, we would have gone to the restaurant. Their sushi is so delicious and the staff is so sweet.
I ate nigiri sushi, rolls, shrimp tempura, and fried chicken. My mind and stomach came home to Japan. I wish I could go there tomorrow again. Hopefully soon!

I will have a relaxed weekend. I hope you will have a wonderful weekend as well!
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