電車でトムの実家へ/To Tom’s parents’ place by train
I stayed at Tom’s parents’ place in Norfolk to spend Christmas with them between the 23rd and 27th. Please read the blog entry below I wrote in November for the details about Tom’s hometown.
I stopped working once and headed to Tom’s parents’ place by train on the evening of 23rd. I restarted working on the train. Tom had been already staying at his parents’ place since the 20th.
Tom’s father picked me up at the train station closest to their place. I arrived at their place around 8 pm. I had dinner and drinks.
クリスマスイブは在宅勤務/Worked on Christmas Eve
I worked from home while Tom and Tom’s family were preparing for Christmas on 24th. Since the Christmas holidays are important to them, I was happy everyone praised me for working. I could make so much progress on my work because most of the people are on holiday and I could secure time for myself.

When I finished working, Tom’s father made pear cocktails for us. After drinking the cocktail, we went to a pub for dinner.

ディナーのカルチャーショック/Culture shock about dinner
Tom’s mother cooked Christmas dinner on Christmas day. When you hear Christmas dinner in Japan. I’m sure you assume it’s a meal you have in the evening. As the Cambridge dictionary writes, the main meal of the day is called dinner in the UK.

Therefore, people in the UK necessarily eat Christmas dinner in the evening. According to Wikipedia, people in the UK often eat Christmas dinner between 1 pm and 4 pm. At Tom’s parents’ place, we usually have Christmas dinner around 2 pm. So you should never assume dinner is a meal you have in the evening in the UK…
I had turkey, crunchy bacon, Brussel sprouts, carrots, potatoes, and pigs in blankets (sausages wrapped in bacon) with lots of gravy sauce.

ディナーの後に、みんなでプレゼントを開けました。僕はトムやトムの家族からお化粧品や入浴剤、猫のカレンダー、チョコレート、クラッシックコンサートのチケットなどを頂きました。僕とトムはクリスマスプレゼントの予算を大体50ポンド (7500円)決めていて、かつ欲しいものを指定します笑。僕は今年はクラッシックコンサートのチケットを指定しました。トムには、指定された劇のチケットをあげました。
We opened Christmas gifts after dinner. I received cosmetics, bath bombs, a cats calendar, chocolate, and concert tickets for a classical concert. Tom and I set a budget for Christmas gifts as £50, and tell each other what exactly we would like to receive. I chose tickets for a classical concert. Tom chose tickets for a play.
トムのお兄さん家族も合流/Tom’s brother’s family joined us
Tom’s brother’s family joined us on the 26th. I played with my 2-year-old nephew and 0-year-old niece. My nephew spoke a lot and even called my name. They were so cute. I wonder if there is any gender-neutral term for nephews and nieces just as cousins. It feels too broad and odd to call them relatives. As I googled, I found “nibling” as a gender-neutral term for nephews and nieces. I don’t think the word is common yet.
I kept eating and drinking on the 26th and 27th. Tom and I came back to London on the evening of 27th by train.
28th was a holiday. I worked today and will work tomorrow. After Christmas in the UK, it feels like it’s already 2022 to me. It makes total sense when I think Christmas in the UK is the New Year in Japan. Christmas gifts are the New Year’s money. Christmas dinner is Osechi, New Year’s traditional dish. Boxing Day sale is New Year’s sales in Japan. I have no doubt I already feel like I’m in 2022.
Since I could not visit the UK from Japan last Christmas, I couldn’t spend it with Tom and his family. I am happy I could spend Christmas altogether this year.
👨❤️👨🍗🎂🍷🎁🎄 pic.twitter.com/iGSQ6K9nvV
— Kan (@kankanyonce) December 25, 2021
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