I visited Tom’s hometown for the first time after two years. His hometown is in Norfolk which is northeast of London and takes about one and half hours by train.

We got on a train on the evening of Friday. I had a katsu curry from Wasabi which I bought at the station. Japanese food I eat overseas can be different from my expectation. But the katsu curry from Wasabi is an exception. It’s delicious and nostalgically reminds me of the katsu curry I had at a food court of a transport cafe and a restaurant of a skiing resort in Japan.

We got to his parents’ place at night. So we went to bed after chatting with her mom briefly.
Tom and I decided to go shopping in Norwich on Saturday morning. Although we tried to get on a bus that was supposed to come to the village once a day, the bus had never arrived. In the end, Tom’s mom drove us to the train station.
After having lunch in Norwich, I had a nice coffee, went window-shopping at a bookshop and a department store. I was so excited to find a Sailor Moon edition of Monopoly! The shapes of tokens are a Talisman, a rod, etc! I bought the board game.

I loved Sailor Moon when I was a child so much. I just remember that I told my mom that I wanted to be a character from Sailor Moon for Halloween when I was a child. I cried so much finding out that she created a costume of Tuxedo Mask. She was so sweet but I wanted to be Sailor Uranus.
I found a variety of locally produced chocolate at a department store. I bought salted caramel chocolate. The department store was decorated for Christmas. Food sold at a deli looked so delicious.

That evening, we saw a bonfire and fireworks display for Guy Fawkes Night in the village. Since I used to see fireworks display in summer and bonfires at camp schools, the combination of them in fall was interesting. If you are interested in what Guy Fawkes Night is, here is a link to the Wikipedia page.

After the festival, we had dinner at home. Tom’s mom cooked soup of chorizo and beans and tiramisu. They were very delicious.

Tom and I went for a walk on Sunday morning which was our last day in Norfolk.
Tom’s hometown is a small lovely village. When I visited the village for the first time five years ago, it looked like a village from a role-playing game to me.
We found blackberries while walking along a field.

This is the main event during the walk. Home-produced honey! I LOVEEEEE the honey. I have the honey with yogurt. It was £5.5 which was £0.5 more expensive than the last time I bought it.

Homemade jam was also sold in front of another house. I love the idea that I can tell who produces what, and their thoughts behind the products. Every time I consume the products, they remind me of the people who produced them and the places they were produced.

It was very refreshing and relaxing to see the endless farms and fields in front of me.

I had a Sunday roast with lamb which Tom’s mom cooked for lunch. I would like to learn how to cook a roast from her. So delicious!

Tom and I came home in London in the evening by train.
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