
これまでの10年に感謝しています/I am filled with gratitude for the past 10 years

media-coverage 日常/Daily Life

なんだかこの数年間、自分の人生をあまり振り返ることなく、目の前にあることに一生懸命に取り組んできたように思います。振り返ると、自分の経験を発信するという点では、2019年から今年にかけて、「報道ステーション」「VOGUE JAPAN」「朝日新聞」など、さまざまなメディアに70回以上出演し、自分の経験を元に、誰もが生きやすい社会の実現に向けて、特に日本における婚姻の平等の実現について声を上げてきました。

It seems that for the past several years, I have been working very hard on what is in front of me, without reflecting much on my life. Looking back, in terms of raising my voice, from 2019 to this year, I have made over 70 appearances in various media outlets such as “Vogue Japan,” “The Washington Post,” and ”Hodo Station (a major news show in Japan),” and I have been speaking up from my experience to realize a society where everyone can live as who they are, particularly focusing on realizing marriage equality in Japan.


I have been frequently interviewed and filmed, and have also given lectures at companies and schools, and I am truly grateful to everyone who gives me the opportunity to share my message. I also would like to thank myself and say “You are the best!” to myself, who is interviewed early in the morning, late at night, and on weekends, checking article drafts and contents, and preparing slides for lectures, in addition to working during the day.


This year marks the 10th anniversary of my study abroad in Canada in 2013, which changed my life. Looking back over the decade, I am filled with gratitude for the people who have crossed their pass with mine, and for myself for simply being alive. I cannot list all of the encounters and experiences here, but every encounter and experience has shaped who I am today and empowers me to keep taking action and speaking up.


Just as I could not predict what I would experience 10 years ago, I cannot predict what I will experience in the next 10 years. However, just as I did in the most recent 10 years, I am sure that I will continue to have wonderful encounters and experiences beyond my imagination, and I will continue to speak up in my own word with big support from many people. I would like to challenge myself not only to speak and write about my experiences but also to create things.


Thank you very much to everyone who has been involved in my life.
