I gave an online lecture on LGBTQ+ people and rights and my experience as a sexual minority to 180 junior high school students in Japan for 90 minutes last month. A teacher from the school has been following me on SNS, sent me an email, and organized the lecture for me.
For the first half of the session, I talked about the definitions of LGBTQ+ terms, issues surrounding LGBTQ+ people in Japan and the world. For the latter half, I talked about my experience as a sexual minority.
The school teachers have already taught gender equality and even introduced my Queer Eye episode in class. Therefore, I could smoothly give a lecture to students on sexuality and my experience. I am very thankful to the students for having been interested in the lecture and listening to me for a long time.

During the lecture, I received many honest questions from the students such as “what do you like about Tom?”, “Is Japan comfortable for you to live in?”, etc. Tom also joined the lecture at the end and was asked by a student to say ten things he likes about me, and struggled to answer. haha.
After the lecture, every student wrote a letter for me, and their teacher scanned them and sent them to me. Their kindness really touched my heart as I read all of them.
Giving a lecture, I wanted the students to at least understand that every one of us has sexuality, there are sexual minorities and the importance of respecting each other’s sexuality. I was very happy to see many letters I received from the students mentioned them.
There were also quite a few students who wrote in letters that the lecture was the first time for them to learn about LGBTQ+ people and didn’t know much about them before. When I was a junior high school student, I had little opportunity to learn about LGBTQ+ people. If the situation is still the same today, I would like to keep giving lectures at schools and corporations.
Although I cannot undo the experience that I struggled with my sexuality and the anxiety of not being able to verbalize my experience when I was a teenager, I can speak from my experience to those who are struggling with their sexuality and those who would like to be an ally.
Giving an online lecture from the UK to people in Japan for 90 minutes, I am confident that I can give a lecture to anyone anywhere as long as we have the internet. Particularly for people in Japan, since the UK is 8 or 9 hours ahead of Japan, I could give a lecture before I go to work.
もしお話しさせて頂ける学校や企業、団体があればぜひ kankanyonce@gmail.com にご連絡ください。過去のメディア出演や講演・トークへの登壇はプロフィールにまとめています。今回、お話しさせてくださった愛知県の中学校の先生や生徒の皆さま、貴重な機会と多くの学びを与えてくださり本当にありがとうございました。
If you would like me to give a lecture at your school, corporation, or organization, please send me an email at kankanyonce@gmail.com. You can see my profile page for my experience of media coverage, giving lectures, and speaking at talk sessions. Thank you very much to the teachers and students at a junior high school in Aichi prefecture in Japan for this wonderful opportunity and experience.
The school shared the photos of the lecture and approved that I could use them online.
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